Krystalantik Old Guestbook Krystalantik Guestbook
  krystalantik's kitties in 2000 Photo Sima
Krystalantik's Kitties 3 days old

It is very important to me to assist all my females at the time they give birth. Since we started, I never missed any birth, and made sure everything was okay each time.

Krystalantik kitties 3 day old

Our females start having kitties at the age of a year and half or older. They have a minimum of one year rest between each litter, and the kitties stay for at least 16 weeks for care and traning by their mother.

Iris with her kitties Photo Sima

They also have the oportunity to live with us. They also get used to be around humans and play with them. I never keep track of the hours. I spend with them for pleasure or care.
We work hard for our kitties to be hand-raised and social for the pleasure of others.
Our best satisfaction is the feedback from the new owners.
Most of the time, they say it is as if the cat had always been there, or he or she is such an integral part of the family, etc...
We thank all the owners that come back for another cat or refer us to their friends. This is better than any kind of advertising.

During the first 16 weeks, the kitties stay under their mom's surveillance and care.
After four or five weeks they start to taste different foods and eat more and more starting with the highest quality kitten canned and dry foods. Some times we even cook fish or chicken for them.

If you are interested in our kitties, or our adult cats, please send an email to for inquiries. and for more information.


See Kitties Movie


Krystalantik Coco Channel and Mum Kissing Phto Sima
CoCo Chanel and mom kiss each other

Summer 2005 Kitties

Broadway and her Cutie Tender boy